【資料作者】:Scott Baxter
【資料日期】:RF100 © 1998-2002
【頁數(shù)】: 388
【何人(公司)所著】:Scott Baxter
【文件格式】: pdf
【文件原名】: Wireless CDMA RF Engineering
Wireless CDMA RF Engineering
Welcome to Sprint PCS’s CDMA RF Engineering curriculum.
In this week of full-day sessions, we’ll study RF Engineering applicable to wireless cellular
and PCS systems. We’ll also study the CDMA access technology, as specified in IS-95
and J-STD-008, and visit some of the special technical requirements and methods
necessary in this, the most elegant of wireless technologies.
This is a participative course, conducted in seminar fashion. Your instructor is vitally
interested in your background and previous experience in communications, whether in
cellular/PCS or some other specialty. Please feel free to speak out often on the topics at
hand, and offer the class your own views on anything you desire.
Course RF100
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agrees that this material and the information contained therein is held in confidence
and in trust and will not be used, copied, reproduced in whole or in part, nor its
contents revealed in any manner to any third party without the express written
permission of Sprint Corporation.
Integrated RF/CDMA/Performance Training
•Class introductions
•Topics introduction
•Wireless Industry Intro.
•Modulation Techniques
•Analog modulation
•Digital modulation
•Introduction to CDMA
•Spread Spectrum
•Multiple Access
•RF Propagation
•Link Budgets
•Wireless Antennas
•Intro: Principles
•Choosing the right
•Selecting ants.
•Introduction to CDMA
•CDMA’s Codes
•Fwd & Rev Channels
•System Architecture
ower Control
hone Architecture
•Introduction to CDMA
•Handoff Process
•Ec/Io, Eb/No
•phone’s limitations
•Call Processing
•CDMA Messages
•CDMA Flow Examples
•Critical CDMA Issues
•Interference control
•Managing Soft HO%
•Capacity constraints
•Sys Architecture details
•Nortel Networks
•Motorola System
•Growth Mgt.
•Multiple carriers
•Intercarrier Handoff
•Intro to Optimization
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Course RF100: RF Introduction, CDMA Principles, Understanding System Design & Performance Issues
Course RF200: Optimization Principles, Tools, Techniques, and Real-Life Examples/Exercises
•Optimization Overview
•RF100 Fast Review
•General Q&A
•Meet the CDMA
performance indicators
•Signatures of CDMA
transmission problems
•The classic CDMA
death scenario
•Introduction to
Performance Data
•System-side tools and
their implications
•Intro to Mobile Tools
•Collection Tools
•Grayson, LCC, HP
•PN Scanners
•HP, Grayson,
•Analyzer, DeskCat
•Drive-test Demo files
•Intro to Post-Processing
•Analyzer, DeskCat
•Handsets as test tools
•Drive-Test Demo Lab
•RSAT/Collect 2000!
•Grayson Inspector
•Data Analysis and Post-
•Analyzer, DeskCat
•what events did you
•Identifying root
•Parameter &
configuration changes
•SPCS Corporate RF
Benchmarking Overview
•PN Scanner Lab
•HP, Grayson,
•Gathering data,
interpreting problems
•Applied Optimization
•common scenarios