*V E R S I O NI N F O R M A T I O N *
+ = Additions since previous version
! = Bug fixes since previous version
~ = Changessince previous version
1.7: (2010-01-??)
~ Project has been renamed to "Mobile Atlas Creator" taking account that
besides TrekBuddy a large number of atlas and map formats are supported
and for ending the mix-up of "TrekBuddy" and "TrekBuddy Atlas Creator"
~ Tiles tore now uses database (BerkelyDB) instead of tile files in file
+ Old tiles saved in the tile store are checked and updated when used
(displayed in map view or used in an atlas). Updating is done via
expiration settings - those provided by the server or otherwise user
+ Atlas output directory can be specified via settings dialog
+ AndNav and OSMTracker: Tile format conversion (JPG <->

NG) implemented
including color reduction
~ Docelu.pl can update it's base URL like the Google map sources do
~ Pause/resume button now works while map creation (not only while download)
+ New experimental map source: Turaterkep (Hungary hiking)
Uses tiles of size 512x512 (not supported by all atlas formats)
+ Multi-layer map sources such as Google Hybrid or OSM Hiking with relief
background can be used with all atlas creators
+ New map: NearMap Australia (high-resolution aerial images for Australia)
! GPX addWpt: Multiple way points added by one mouse click fixed
! Start.sh/Start.cmd Java max heap setting was ignored by Java because of
the position at the end of the command line
! #2904937 and #2905182 1px map calibration bug
+ New map source: Humbermedia Bavaria
+ New atlas format: Mobile Trail Explorer Cache (writes single MTECache file
per atlas)
+ New map sources: (Norway) Statkart Topo2, Toporaster2 (limited to 10.000
tiles per day and IP)
+ Drag & Drop for maps in "Atlas content" tree
+ New atlas format: Magellan RMP / VantagePoint
+ New atlas format: Touratech QV
! Fixed #2913874: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in PNG 4-bit writer
+ New map source: Eniro.com map/aerial/nautical (Sweden, Norway, Finland)
+ Checkbox added in atlas progress dialog for ignoring all download errors
+ New atlas format: CacheWolf (as one large 24bit png + WFL or tiled with
multiple WLF files using the configured image format and tile size)
+ New map source: Mapplus.ch (Switzerland)
+ Coordinate format changeable ("deg" / "deg,min" / "deg,min,sec")
+ New atlas format: CacheBox
+ New atlas format: Garmin Custom Map
Image downscaling uses bilinear filter (improves image quality)
+ Each map source has now a background color (usually black) that is used
in case of missing tiles
+ Content-type check after download (HTTP header and image data header)
+ New map source: Ovi/Nokia Maps
+ New map source: Bergfex (Austria)
! Grid paint juddering on high zoom levels fixed
~ OpenStreetMap Hiking updated
1.6.1: (2009-10-30)
! Loading and saving of GPX failed
1.6: (2009-10-27)
+ Loading & saving of GPX 1.1 files (way- track- and routepoints are displayed
as overlay)
+ GPX 1.0 files are automatically transformed to GPX 1.1 file on load
+ Route and tracks are painted as connected line
+ Add new way points to a GPX file (properties: lat, lon, name)
+ Map scale bar added (metric/imperial selectable)
+ New atlas format: Mobile Trail Explorer (MTE)
+ New atlas format: RMaps / BigPlanet SQLite (Android applications, requires
additional SQLite libraries)
+ New atlas format: OSMTracker
+ New map source: OpenStreetMap Public Transport (öpnvkarte.de)
+ New map source: AustrianMap (z14 & z15 of
[provided by Guenther Hoelzl]
+ New map sources: Freemap Slovakia (normal, hiking & hiking plus hill shade)
+ New map sources: Google Maps Korea
+ New map sources: Open Piste Map (openpistemap.org)
+ New atlas format: Maverick (Android application)
+ New map sources: Emapa.pl (Poland)
+ New atlas format: Glopus (PNG & KAL)
+ New map sources: Outdooractive.com Austria and South Tyrol
~ Max zoom level of Google Maps increased from 17 to 19
~ Behavior on adding new maps and layers changed: the number of layers has
been reduced to a minimum making it easier switch between different zoom
levels when using TrekBuddy
! Extreme performance break-in in grid-mode fixed
! Map selections do no longer unwanted enlarge itself in grid mode beyond the
selected grid
1.5: (2009-08-01)
+ Flexible atlases containing different areas of multiple map sources are possible
+ New atlas output format: AndNav - Android Navigation System
+ Atlas download can be paused/resumed interactively
+ Proxy settings rewritten - now system/Java wide or application settings can be
used alternatively to the user defined proxy
+ New regional map sources (Poland): ump.waw.pl and docelu.pl
+ Map sources can now be disabled which hides them from the list
+ Merging different layers via drag & drop
+ Custom map sources can be defined via settings.xml (see README.HTM)
+ Map sources manual online update via settings dialog
+ New atlas format: OziExplorer / large PNG export
~ Java requirement has changed: Now at least Java 1.6 is required!
~ Profile saving updated to new atlas structure
~ Fullscreen mode is currently unavailable
~ Google Maps, Earth, Mapmaker, Maps China url updated
~ Settings.xml format has changed
~ Max zoom for Cycloatlas changed from 14 to 15
~ Removed OpenArialMap map source
~ Panels on the left can be collapsed to save space
! Editing the atlas content while map creation in progress resulted in
unusable/abnormal atlases (see bug #2819613)
1.1: (2009-05-13)
+ New output format: JPEG with different quality levels
+ added map source Microsoft Maps China (Ditu)
~ Fixed url and name of Cykloatlas (fixes also bug #2755108)
~ Updated url of Google Map Maker & Earth
~ Fixed tar creation which had problems with default charset on some systems
~ Changed the color depth selector to an output format selector
~ OSM Hiking map moved to new server - url adapted
! "Open atlas folder" does now work on Linux (Gnome and may be Kde)
1.0: (2009-04-10)
+ Reload current map view by pressing "F5"
+ First experimental implementation of color reducing implemented (requires
additional library "Java Advanced Imaging":
Download the library and place the Jar[s] in the same directory as TrekBuddyAtlasCreator
+ Experimental: Color reduced (<16) png files are saved using an own implementation
that writes real 4 bit PNG files (instead to the default Java one that only creates
8 bit or true color files)
+ added map source OSM hiking:
+ added map source OpenArialMap
~ Maximum map size reduced to 32767 (1 pixel less)
~ Atlas output format can now be specified: Tared or untared atlas. The created atlas
is always created in the folder "atlases" - the folder "atlasestared" is no longer used.
~ "ozi" / "tac_tmp" directory no longer used. Instead one temporary tar file per map
layer is created (and later deleted) in the default system temp directory
~ fixed GoogleMapMaker map source
! Loading tile store information in settings dialog blocked GUI
0.9.7: (2009-03-05)
+ New map sources (full support): Microsoft Maps, Earth, Hybrid,
Cycloatlas (Czech Republic only)
+ New map sources (partial support): Multimap.com
+ Window position, size and state (maximized or not) is saved
+ Preview map allows zoom move/zoom via keyboard controls (patch by Martin Loetzsch)
+ Fullscreen mode hides left panel and places control inside the preview map
(patch by Martin Loetzsch)
~ Google Maps, Earth & MapsChina urls updated
~ Custom tile size selection controls combined
~ Fixed several Swing thread safety problems (patch by Martin Loetzsch)
0.9.6: (2009-01-08)
+ New map source: Google Terrain
+ Download error counter added to atlas progress dialog
! Updated OpenCycleMap url (fixes zoom level > 13)
+ New map source: Yahoo Maps
+ New map source: Google Maps China (Ditu)
+ New map source (Germany only): Outdooractive.com
+ Selected/entered tile size is now saved/restored in/from settings.xml
+ Tooltip of "tiles-to-download-counter-label" (located right to the label
"Zoom levels (..)") now shows the breakdown of the number of tiles
to the different zoom levels including the area calculation
~ Exceptions that occur while downloading/creating an atlas are now displayed
in an dialog showing detailed information about the system and the exception
~ Updated Google Maps url & removed "Galileo" appendix
~ New experimental implementation for creating tile of custom size.
Disdvantage: Much slower that the algorithm before
Advantage: Only constant memory needed (approx. less than 10 MB)
~ Using custom tile size now does not concert the tiles to png format.
Instead the format used by the maps source is used.
0.9.5: (2008-10-27)
+ Detailed log files can be created by providing a configuration file log4j.xml
(see README.txt for details).
+ HTTP Proxy (host & port) can be specified via GUI
+ Added information about amount of tiles and total size for each tile source store
in Settings window.
+ Multithreaded download of tiles implemented (number of parallel download threads
changeable via settings dialog
~ Tile download system now reuses HTTP connections for HTTP 1.1 servers instead of
opening a new TCP connection for each tile
! Selection of whole world resulted in a wrong max longitude (-180 instead of 180)
! Tile number and index calculations near to the border of the world corrected
! Saving profiles works now (including map source, zoom levels and tile size)
! Aborting of stalled downloads works now as expected
0.9.1: (2008-10-17)
! Fixed wrong calculation of number of tiles when the amount was large.
0.9 alpha: (2008-10-15)
+ Added resizeable GUI
+ Added possibility to select map area by selection an area with mouse
+ Added tmi files for the tared atlases which make themap loading faster
~ Changed preview viewer to JMapViewer. It has several advantages:
different map sources
preview loads in background automatically
easy zooming (mouse wheel) and movement (right mouse button)
~ Tar generation rewritten, each tar is now only opened one time, not
once for each tile to be added (increases tar creation in case of a virus
scanner being active)
+ Added xml based settings file via Java Properties
+ Added possibility to change tile size for the downloaded tiles.
+ Added possibility to set map size in atlas. Giving the possibility to create
large atlases
! Fixed the non working setting tile store enabled. It was always enabled,
despite of what was written in the settings file
! Fixed (hopefully) the generation of mixed up atlases at some Linux operating
! Fixed bugs related to defect profiles in profiles.xml file by adding some
validation of the xml data at application start.
+ Added possibility to abort an ongoing download of Atlas
+ Added label that shows how many tiles that will be downloaded with current
lat, long & zoom settings
+ Added persistent tile store (cache of tiles in a store which is persistent
between program sessions)
! Fixed wrong download link to ditu.google.com
+ Added a possibility to select to download tiles from either ditu.google.com
or maps.google.com
! Fixed hard coded look and feel, which resulted in an
javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException at other environments then Windows